Monday, May 13, 2013

Good Minimal - A Responsive HTML5 Template

Good Minimal - A Responsive HTML5 Template - Portfolio Creative

Good Minimal is a clean and minimalist style template that is good for portfolio, blogs and businesses. This theme is flexible and is used media queries to adapt screen sizes, weither it is iphone, ipad and wide screens.

Updated to Version 2.0! Download the latest file!

Try to resize the window and you’ll see the effect of a responsive website.

Log Updates

  1. Version 1.0
    • June 29, 2011 – The image slider won’t show up in Chrome browser – Fixed

  2. Version 2.0 – Updated!!!
    • July 22, 2011 – This template will display properly in iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices

Available in 2 style ( Light and Dark )


Available Pages

  • Home Page

  • About

  • Services

  • Portfolio

    • Switchable Display with Sidebar

    • 2 Columns Portfolio No Sidebar

    • 3 Columns Portfolio No Sidebar

    • 4 Columns Portfolio No Sidebar

  • Blog

    • Single

  • Contact

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