Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Equilibrium Portfolio Template

Equilibrium Portfolio Template - Portfolio Creative

Equilibrium is HTML5 /CSS3 template for creative and corporate purposes. It comes with 8 page templates, each contains featured area for even better showcase of your works. Equilibrium uses Fancybox for image and video handling and Nivo slider for handling slideshows. It also has 4 color schemes: Dark Blue (default), Blue, Green and Pink.


  • Unique layout with featured area for showcasing your works

  • Illustration included (psd file)

    • 8 page templates + PSD sources for each

      • Home

      • About

      • Portfolio

      • Single Portfolio

      • Blog

      • Single Post

      • Showreel

      • Contact

    • 4 color schemes

    • Fancybox gallery for images and video

    • Cross-browser, valid code

    • Contact form with basic spam protection

    • Google Maps ready

    • In-depth documentation

    • Easy customization

    • Much more

    Used resources

    • jQuery library

    • Modified version of Drew Douglass’ AJAX PHP contact form

    • Cufon

    • Social Media Sleek Icons

    • prettyPhoto jQuery plugin
    • Titillium

    • Galleria jQuery plugin

    • FancyBox jQuery plugin

    • jQuery Nivo Slider

    • iPhone style checkboxes
    • tipsy
    • Mobily Select

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